So glad that concerts are back and we have loved being back on the road! Fresh from a trip to the beautiful Bilbao, we are about to embark on Beethoven Cycles in the USA.These are postponed from 2020 due to Covid, so it is very exciting to finally be packing our bags/scores/shiny shoes to begin this adventure Stateside. We begin in Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem), then onto the University of Northern Iowa, finishing with a complete chronological cycle for Da Camera in Houston, Texas. Woohoo!
We’ll then head to The Netherlands to visit three of our favourite venues there – The Concertgebouw (Amsterdam), Van Houtenkerk (Weesp) and Nieuwe Kerk (Haarlem). Amongst other repertoire we’ll be playing 2 works written for us by composer and friend Sally Beamish.
The Summer is busy at festivals such as Schubertiade (Austria), Corbridge (England), East Neuk Festival (Scotland) and more. We’ll also be back in the Wigmore Hall playing Quintets with clarinetist Rob Plane.
Much to look forward to! Recording plans are hatching and we look forward to getting back into the studio sometime soon.
Very much hope to see you somewhere along the road! Come say hello.
Our very best wishes,
Sara, Donald, Simone and Marie. X